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Kora-xperiment 2 the martial apprentice 训练营 亚洲型男写真

xperiment No.02迎来风靡泰国万千粉丝的Babe,柔道男孩Babe在摄影师kora的掌镜下完美诠释男体的力量与忍耐美学 !
Babe来自曼谷身材结实的男孩,以武术和激烈的练习寻求真理及了解内心真正的恐惧,将自身肉体贡献给道长后,他成为一位忠实柔道学徒,并且让自己的恐惧变成慾望,他得到了救赎 , 而你呢?
A young tight boy seeks enlightenment through martial arts, intense studies and apprentices himself to a master.
Kora-xperiment 2  the martial apprentice 训练营 亚洲型男写真
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