HIMM11 高端男模摄影写真集
There are less pages in this issue than the last three issues of HiMM but still more pages than the first three issues. However, I think it will only be fair if the price is more affordable than the regular issues of HiMM. Therefore, I came up with the idea of “HiMM Mini”.
Mini features Arthur who is half-Thai, half-Hong Kongese. He has been living in Thailand for about 10 years now, so he can speak Thai fluently. Arthur is 6 feet tall which is pretty tall for an Asian guy. He said it is because he loves playing basketball and that also explains his tanned skin. Working with HiMM is his first photo shoot but he is a quick learner, so everything went well. Let’s flip the pages and see if you agree with us on this.
编号: HI11
是否全部见: 否
解压码: 90likes
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