【含视频】OCH .6 Arrest-Mr. Dollar 双人男模摄影写真
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等了整整一年后终于盼到OCH第六刊,这一期我们请到一个拥有超性感特色刺青男模帅哥Mr. DollaR。
他将以独特风格和健壮好身材,来分享身上满满的性感刺青故事。并将Mr. DollaR逮捕来进行秘密爱的惩罚,偷偷告诉各位快来綑绑他!
OCH6: Arrest Mr DollaR is back after taking a year break following the previous release OCH5 “Full Emotional”. In this issue, we are proud to present Mr. DollaR, a young and unique model who will be telling you his fascinating story through his body tattoos. Let’s arrest him as a tribute to lust and passion for love in OCH6: Arrest Mr. DollaR.
编号: OCH6
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